Guru Shots Photo Recognition - Guru Picks
Isabell Stevens from the US gave me a Gurupick for “Spring Peony Ants” in the Macro Abilities Challenge, with a total of 8,492,191 votes on March 30, 2024. Canadian This is my 125th Guru Pick
Kris Van den Bossche from Belgium gave me a GuruPick for my photo “Stormy Days” in the “It’s Beautiful” contest on March 10, 2024, with over 9 million votes. The photo, enhanced with post-editing the lightning, was taken on June 18, 2021.
Sylvain Perrier from Canada povided a GuruPick’s in the “Is Floating Challenge” with over 8 million votes. My photo “Peggy’s Cove Serene” was featured.