Guru Shots Photo Recognition - Exhibits
The photo “Red Sky Barn” was chosen as a Top Guru Pick in the Wooden Structures Challenge on February 21, 2021, with a total vote count of 9,700,100. Taken by ‘The End’ during a local drive on July 18, 2020, the image was enhanced with a red sunset to add appeal, leading to a win despite being slightly over processed.
The Guru Shots Team awarded “Fly Backdrop” as the Top Guru Pick in the 100 Top Photographers Challenge on October 8, 2023. The photo, capturing garden macro photography, had slight edits for contrast and was well-received despite the desired sharper focus on the fly. Total votes numbered 4,802,300.
Regis_du_Grand-Est from France awarded a GuruPick for Elneuf’s photo “Coiled and Ready” in the Gurushots Capturing Green Challenge on May 17, 2023. The photo, which highlights sharp focus on the eyes and head against faded edges, was recognized. Total votes in this competition were 11,653,368.